Helpful Tips & Insights
Remodeling Kitchens in Dutchess County for 40 Years
Creative Kitchens By Bob offers a complete, customer-focused process. Our renovators have years of experience remodeling kitchens throughout Dutchess County, NY, and the towns and cities within. We know what it takes to embark on a successful project. We have seen unprepared customers and those who are ready for the project. Our team wants to ensure the project goes well. Read below for some helpful tips and insights gleaned from our years of experience.

Prepare Yourself for Maximum Comfort During the Process
We take care of all the remodeling. However, there are some things you can do to ensure the project is as easy on you as possible. They include:
Set up a temporary kitchen
With your kitchen out of commission, you’ll need to find a new way to eat meals as a family. Many of our clients create a makeshift kitchen, complete with a microwave or other alternative methods of cooking. You can also grill food. You’ll also need to find a place to eat meals since the kitchen will be out of the question. Planning ahead is the key to success in this case.
Buy plenty of paper plates and plastic utensils
Obviously, you won’t have a dishwasher. Purchasing a large number of paper plates and utensils allows you to eat meals in the home as much as possible. When done eating, you just throw the used forks, spoons, and paper plates away.
Prepare for dust and noise
While Creative Kitchens By Bob takes great pains to respect your personal property, house, and everyone in it, remodeling work is loud and produces considerable dust. You can erect barriers (like plastic tarps), but there will still be dust, and you won’t be able to do anything about the noise. If you have pets, it might be worth sending them to a trusted friend or family member’s house.
Add the cost of eating out into your budget
While Creative Kitchens By Bob is building your new kitchen, you will have to find new ways to plan and cook meals. You should assume that you won’t want to prepare meals at home in the makeshift kitchen every day. So, it is wise to budget eating out into the remodeling budget.
Contact Creative Kitchens By Bob Today
Insightful design. Hands-on involvement from our owner. Superior customer service. Quality craftsmanship. Creative Kitchens By Bob offers it all. Doing your part to make the process easier on you will not only improve your life while we build the kitchen of your dreams, but it will also make ours easier as well. To learn more, contact us today.